2020 Season Preview Pt. 3

Dain City Dusters

The Dain City Dusters and GM Brian “Ridiculous last name” Baz are next in our series of season previews. Drafting third the Dusters were looking to replicate the success of their inaugural season which saw them finish second in the regular season. Will Baz be able to build on his solid expansion year, or will this year’s team look worse than their logo? Let’s judge the Dain City Dusters.

In the first round, in what may be a bit of a surprise, the Dusters found themselves staring face to face with two time Andy Bosak award winner and former first overall draft pick Dalton Wilson. When asked how he felt about falling to third overall Wilson didn’t say anything, because he never says anything about anything. In the next few rounds the Dusters went hunting and came back with a Chicken and The Rat himself Chris Accursi. Accursi a former GM brings solid leadership to the dressing room along with the knowledge on how to not win the King Street Cup.

Good to see you, grab a slice, you thought about retirement yet?

After picking the most rookies last year the Dusters stayed the course and picked up newcomer Tom Napper, whose impressive performance in the prospects game led to his third round selection, along with Mike “Never trust a guy with two first names” Kelly, Josh “I grew up on a Rue” Lefrancois, and Al “There are four Al’s in this league” Clark. Rumors of a rager of a rookie party at Little Nashville’s broke out after a photo of the group surfaced on social media.

Going bar down on your mom.

Also joining the Dusters are a solid Rose City trio of Jake Hope, Kelly Jones and Tall Al. A third line that represents all three parts of Welland, the East, West and French. A smart move by Baz to draft our beloved commish, as not only do you get the player, but he manages the beer and the music for you leaving the GM free to make any last minute adjustments to the line up or to get a little more drunk. Ever since he escaped from the circus and joined the WNHL, Le Grand Alain has quietly turned into a reliable third line player, who has even had started the transition to defence, using that 9 foot stick like a serpent’s tongue to break up plays.

Tall Al, in action with four other adults.

Finally, not to be outdone by drafting brothers, the Dain City Dusters will be the first team in WNHL history to have a father and son suiting up for the same team. Dave and Callum Gomez will join the Dusters and ensure a season of awkwardness every time somebody makes a sex joke in the dressing room.

Dad, what’s a “Hot Karl”?

The 2020-2021 Dain City Dusters look to build on last years success. To do this Baz will have to rely on the rookies on his team to find the same success as last year’s group while at the same time hoping the veterans in the WNHL don’t die of embarrassment from having a logo that Baz most certainly drew himself.

The Dusters journey to the King Street Cup starts October 7th against the Lincoln Street Legends.